11th November 2022
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In this issue:

REGISTER NOW: The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 takes place TOMORROW in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney

READ: Garda representatives expose fundamental flaws in Government’s exclusion zone Bill

READ: Euthanasia campaigner backs gas chamber 'death pods’ for Scotland

LIVE: The Pro Life Campaign Auction 2022 is now LIVE! Register Now to Browse, Bid and Buy!

ORDER NOW: Stay in touch this Christmas - Order your Christmas Cards Now!
The Pro Life Campaign National Conference 2022 takes place TOMORROW in the RDS Concert Hall with Keynote Speaker Dr Dermot Kearney
Register for Conference Now

The Pro Life Campaign National Conference takes place this Saturday 12th November. This year's conference will focus on a number of areas, nationally and internationally, where positive initiatives are happening, that over time will turn the tide in a pro-life direction. There will be workshops, information stands and much more. Join us at the RDS Dublin 4 this Saturday from 12-3.30pm (Workshops from 11am).

Guest speakers at the Conference include:
- Dr Dermot Kearney (Keynote Speaker)
- Lois McLatchie
- Peadar Tóibín TD
- Elaine Noonan
- Jacki Ascough

Themed workshops on the following areas will take place from 11am:
- Young People in Politics (Students for Life Ireland)
- Grassroots Activism (PLC Network)
- Assisting Mothers in Need (Community Connect)
- Protecting Freedom of Conscience (Medical)

Register for Conference Now
Register for Conference Now
Garda representatives expose fundamental flaws in Government’s exclusion zone Bill
Deputy Garda Commissioner Anne Marie McMahon

On Wednesday, representatives from An Garda Síochána appeared before the Oireachtas Joint Health Committee as part of its pre-legislative scrutiny into proposed legislation that would criminalise pro-life supporters for engaging in peaceful protests within one hundred metres of abortion facilities.

Deputy Garda Commissioner Anne Marie McMahon confirmed to the committee that there have been zero arrests, prosecutions, or otherwise arising from protests outside abortion facilities under current legislation. It is reasonable to conclude from this that no demonstrated cases of harassment or intimidation have arisen, which are already crimes under existing law. While there have been small displays opposing abortion outside abortion facilities, the insinuation that these ‘protests’ constitute a danger towards women is an unjustifiable smear.

The main takeaway from Wednesday’s meeting of the Health Committee is that the bill put forward by the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has many key and inherent flaws which have been identified by An Garda Síochána. Issues were pinpointed about the impracticality of setting the hundred metre exclusion zones. Incredibly, it transpired that the first meeting between An Garda Síochána and the Department of Health on the matter occurred less than a fortnight ago. The mounting problems related to enforceability point to the irresponsibility of allowing legislative proposals to be hijacked by ardent campaigners and ideologues.

There was a worrying suggestion made by the legal representative of An Garda Síochána who discussed a ‘real life example’ of 2,000 people attending a march on Parnell Square, which she identified as falling into the prospective zone around the Rotunda Hospital. Although she mostly warned about issues related to enforceability (of giving individual warnings to 2,000 people and instead proposed an omnibus warning system), it is alarming to suggest that legitimate pro-life marches may fall foul of this draconian proposal if it ever becomes law . Urgent clarification is needed on whether the recent pro-life marches and rallies in Dublin would effectively be banned if this law was enacted in its current form.

Euthanasia campaigner backs gas chamber 'death pods’ for Scotland
One of Philip Nitschke's 'Suicide Capsules'

Pro-euthanasia campaigner Philip Nitschke is lobbying members of the Scottish parliament to adopt “suicide capsules” should Scotland make assisted killing legal.

The creator of the capsules, which are also being called ‘do it yourself death pods’, has written to Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur urging him to back the pods. Mr McArthur is behind an assisted suicide Bill currently before the Scottish Parliament.

Philip Nitschke, who is also known as ‘Dr Death’ claims the pods “lead to a peaceful, even euphoric death."

In response to Nitschke’s dark and hideous proposal, the UK based group Care Not Killing said: "Ordinary people will be shocked and appalled at Philip Nitschke’s attempt to lobby for the use of his personal gas chamber should Scotland legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia."

Nitschke, an Australian and former medical doctor is the founder of pro-euthanasia group Exit International. In 2021, he launched the pods in Switzerland and they are currently being used in the country's assisted suicide clinics.

The Pro Life Campaign Auction 2022 is now LIVE! Register Now to Browse, Bid and Buy!
Register to Browse & Bid Now

The Pro Life Campaign Annual Auction to raise funds for our educational and support initiatives is now LIVE!

Bidding is underway NOW and will continue until the 18th November at 9pm.

Registration for this event is free!

Why not take a few minutes to log in and browse the many fantastic items on offer? Remember to 'favourite' the items that interest you using the heart icon.  You will then have your personalised shortlist of items and can bid at your leisure up until the finish time.

You can choose from some of the following:

  • Art
  • Getaway Breaks
  • Sporting Items
  • Jewellery
  • Christmas Gifts
  • Raffle Prizes and much much more!

Register instantly with no obligation.

Register to Browse & Bid Now
Stay in touch this Christmas - Order your Christmas Cards Now!
Order Xmas Cards Now

This Christmas, why not take the opportunity to check in with friends and family that you haven’t been able to spend time with during 2022?

We are selling Christmas cards, the sale proceeds of which will help us continue our work seeking human rights for unborn babies and supporting their mothers.

A pack of 10 cards costs €15.

Order your cards today, in time to send to friends and family this Christmas!
*Prices include cost of delivery to you (ROI residents).

Order Xmas Cards Now
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Vital Signs is the e-newsletter of the Pro Life Campaign. We hope you and your families are keeping well in these unusual times. This email is to update you on what we have been working on recently, including news stories, project updates, and details of upcoming events. If you want to get in touch with us please do so by emailing [email protected]

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