This is an outrage. First they said we'd have the majority counted today. Then they said we've have the final result tomorrow. Now it's 'sometime next week.'  We would mock any other country for such wholesale corruption. And yet Americans just sit by ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Arizona Announces Election Results Delayed AGAIN ….. Until Next Week, Maricopa Officials Say
This is an outrage. First they said we'd have the majority counted today. Then they said we've have the final result tomorrow. Now it's 'sometime next week.'  We would mock any other country for such wholesale corruption. And yet Americans just ...

Biden’s Student Loan Handout Struck Down By Federal Judge
It hardly matters now. The Biden regime got what it wanted — the imbecilic, privileged Gez Z voter, rendered incapable of critical thought by the very college education they expected the working class to pay for.

One thing I know already. ...

27 Illinois Counties Have Voted to Split the State
People have had enough of the coup. They are not the only state: Oregon counties vote to discuss seceding from state to join ‘Greater Idaho’ to escape oppressive Democrat rule

I predict this movement will go national. Americans for America. ...

Pennsylvania Elects Dead Democrat
If they can elect Frankenstein, a dead man is an improvement, no?

Related: Drop Box KEYS Left Unattended On-Top of Philadelphia Ballot Drop Box on Election Night

Photo: For illustration purposes only.

Pennsylvania State Representative ...

Despotism on the March: Biden Says Use Constitution to Make Sure Trump Will Never Be President Again
“We have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run. Making sure he under the legitimate efforts of the Constitution, become the next president again.” Biden

They just got away with another big election steal. Seamlessly. ...

WARNING: Legacy Media and RINOs Are Trying to Force Ron DeSantis into Fight to Dethrone President Trump
In the wake of the 2022 mid-terms, the enemedia and their RINO lap dogs are re-writing the Democrat failure and election skulduggery into a Trump-DeSantis battle of the titans. It's been non-stop (on Fox News, it's almost like a form of Tourette ...

Ballots vs. Votes
“Campaigning, advertising, promoting, debating, hand-shaking, crowd attendance and venues for rallies, along with physically meeting people and convincing them of your worth, are only important if you are trying to win votes.

Modern ...

ELECTION FRAUD: Nevada Finds 60K Ballots in Drop Boxes, Delays Will Stretch into Next Week
How do you find tens of thousands of ballots in a dropbox after election day? How long is America going to tolerate this? They're stealing this thing.

More than 60,000 mail ballots in battleground Washoe County and at least 84,000 ballots in ...

Scalise Announces Bid for House Majority Leader
This needs t happen. GOP 'leadership' needs an overhaul.

The current Republican Party leadership of Mitchell McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are the problem. They need to be replaced, or the Republican Party will have many  more disappointing ...

China President Xi: China Is Preparing For War
While demented Biden dances on America's grave. The second half of the Biden term will not be pretty.

China Preparing For War, Xi Jinping Says

By Daily Wire, Nov 9, 2022

On Tuesday, Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping declared his ...

Trump to Announce 2024 Presidential Run as Early as November 14: Reports
President Trump announcing his intention to run for POTUS may be imminent. All decent and rational Americans must get behind President Trump, and see to it that he is elected in November 2024. #Trump2024!

— Dan ...

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