
Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that inflation on all items increased 7.7% for the 12 months ending in October, falling slightly from last month but still near 40-year highs. 

Dipping inflation is a positive sign, but consumer product prices are still up. Grocery store prices, for example, are up nearly 12.5% from this time last year while fuel oil is up 68.5%. Families shouldn’t have to choose between heating and eating.
Share Your Story
Like many people, I am frustrated by the bare shelves plaguing my local grocery store and big box retailers. 

We can’t swallow higher prices and make hard choices indefinitely. Washington’s inflationary policies and reckless spending landed us here, and we need Washington to move out of the way.
Share Your Story
There’s no dismissing that Americans desperately need relief from higher prices and struggling to make ends meet. Tell us your story about how you and your loved ones have been impacted and felt the pain of rising prices and record-high inflation. 

Yours in the fight, 
Patrice Onwuka