It's not over yet! 

Breaking news — none of the Georgia Senate candidates got more than 50% of the vote, so this race is officially going to a runoff election!

That means we have less than one month to make sure we can contact Georgia voters again and mobilize them to turn out in force to send Senator Raphael Warnock back to the U.S. Senate.

All eyes are on Georgia right now. No matter how the rest of the races around the country shake out, it’s critical that we send a pro-democracy champion like Sen. Raphael Warnock to the Senate, and we need substantial resources and all hands on deck right now to get this done.

Will you rush a donation of $20 or whatever you can right now to our Georgia Runoff Fund? Help make sure that Sen. Raphael Warnock defeats Herschel Walker and Georgia sends a Democrat to the Senate.


We’ve proven that we can win runoffs before (that’s how we propelled Sen. Raphael Warnock to the Senate in the first place!), and we’re ready to get him over the finish line again.

But the clock is ticking. Brian Kemp’s voter suppression bill SB 202 means that this year’s runoff will be about a month earlier than last cycle’s, so we have about half as much time to get ready. Early voting starts statewide in just a few weeks on November 28 — possibly earlier in some counties — and Election Day is less than a month away on December 6. The number of donations we receive right now will help decide how much we can invest in getting out the vote.

One last push to re-elect Sen. Raphael Warnock — please chip in to our Georgia Runoff Fund today to help win this critical runoff election.

Thanks for everything,

The Fair Fight Team