Future Forum PAC


We’re still waiting for the dust to settle, but so far, we’ve seen HUGE wins for our Future Forum members and our endorsed candidates.

  • 26 Future Forum members who ran for re-election are returning to Congress next year! As of right now, Future Forum has not lost one single seat.

  • Many Future Forum Frontliners beat their extremist opponents. Congratulations to Andy Kim (NJ-03), Lauren Underwood (IL-04), Sharice Davids (KS-03), Haley Stevens (MI-11), Angie Craig (MN-02), and Chris Pappas (NH-01), for winning re-election!

  • 13 of Future Forum’s endorsed candidates won their races so far, including Maxwell Frost (FL-10), Wiley Nickel (NC-13), Greg Landsman (OH-01), and Hillary Scholten (MI-03)!

Team, these are incredible results, and we are very proud of every single candidate the American people put their faith in.

These individuals will continue to deliver for our country, expand upon our accomplishments, and protect our democracy from Republican extremism.

But more importantly, we are thankful to you, friend. These victories were only possible because you never gave up and kept fighting.

Even in the face of extremism, obstruction, and flat out lies from the Republican Party, you supported Future Forum with your hard-earned dollars, knocked on doors, called and texted voters, and exercised your right to vote.

These victories could also not have been possible if not for America’s youth, many of whom voted for the first time, and their OVERWHELMING support of the Democratic Party.

According to the Washington Post, early exit polls show that about 1 in 8 voters were under the age of 30, and supported Democratic candidates by WIDE MARGINS.

But the midterms are far from over. As of this moment, millions of votes are still being counted and will continue to be tabulated over the next few days, possibly weeks.

To Frontline Democrats who are waiting to learn the results, we wish you the best of luck. Regardless of the outcome, your commitment to our shared values and democracy will always stand out in the face of powerful headwinds.

In the meantime, we will continue to monitor the results and any pending developments. Once we have a better picture, we will update you!

– Future Forum

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Future Forum PAC is a coalition of young democratic members of Congress focused on issues and opportunities for the next generation. 
Future Forum PAC
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Future Forum PAC
PO Box 83142
Gaithersburg, MD 20883-3142
United States

Paid For By The Future Forum Political Action Committee And Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee. Contributions To The Future Forum Political Action Committee Are Not Deductible For Federal Tax Purposes.