Hi John,
Like so many of you, we’re still waiting for a few final results from Tuesday’s election. We may not know all the outcomes yet, but we know this: our state partners fought tirelessly to turn out pro-equality voters across the country, and they succeeded.
State LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations and their coalition partners achieved some incredible wins that will protect and advance the rights of our community in the coming years. A few highlights include:
In Michigan, the #HateWontWin campaign turned out voters in record numbers to change the control of the Michigan Senate and House, creating a pro-equality, Democratic trifecta.
- North Carolina and Wisconsin avoided Republican supermajorities in their legislatures.
In Minnesota, pro-equality Democrats now control the House, Senate, and Governor’s office.
- New Mexico secured the reelection of pro-equality electeds who have been champions for queer and trans New Mexicans.
Massachusetts and Oregon made history by electing the first out lesbian governors in the U.S.
The progress didn’t stop here - from NH to OK to states far and wide, at least 323 out LGBTQ+ candidates won their races for the 2022 election cycle.
These victories are because of the thousands of phone calls, text messages, and conversations that state partners and coalition leaders had in the communities we call home.
We are proud to support the hard work of our state partners to turn out pro-equality voters. Together, we are working to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people in the states—where the work is hard but the impact is great.
There is still so much to do as we assess the losses alongside these victories that will impact our work in the coming months and years. But today, we celebrate.