Dear friend, Today we’re sharing our match game with our incredible global community! The game is a fun way to test your brain power while learning how remote communities in Nepal are coping, adapting, and thriving in the face of climate change.
The river cuts across northern Nepal, where remote communities — far from the smokestacks and freeways that pump greenhouse gas into the atmosphere — are experiencing massive disruptions to their lives and livelihoods due to climate change. Our match game features families across the region who are facing unpredictable weather patterns, agricultural pests, landslides, and other climate-driven challenges. As you meet these local residents and find the matching pairs of images, you’ll learn about the innovative, lasting solutions they are developing — with support from Mercy Corps — to create long-term climate resilience. Thanks so much for contributing to Mercy Corps’ work building solutions to poverty and injustice in communities around the globe. We hope you enjoy our new game and share it with your friends and family! Sincerely,
A Mercy Corps team member since 2019, Pete is passionate about providing opportunities for people to learn more about, be inspired by, and engage with Mercy Corps’ work around the world.