LIFE CHAIN - Saturday 5th November 2022 - BELFAST
People from across N. Ireland tell us why they are "a voice for the unborn child"
Hi John,

Our LIFE CHAIN on Saturday was a great success. People from across Northern Ireland lined the entire length of Belfast City hall holding pro-life signs and banners stating – “Peace begins in the womb” and” Stop Abortion Violence”. At the gates of City Hall we remembered the babies killed by abortion, with a poignant display of hundreds of baby shoes laid out to form the number 4 1 3 6 – each with a boy or girl's name attached. Each pair of baby shoes represented an innocent life cruelly taken by the injustice of the abortion legislation that was forced on Northern Ireland by the Westminster government. The event was marred by an attack on one of our stewards (see story below). But overall, our Life Chain ensured the pro-life message was seen by thousands of people as they walked or drove along this busy area of Belfast.

You can be a voice for the unborn child this Saturday at our weekly  STREET OUTREACH in Belfast City Centre. Come along and help us distribute our pro-life information leaflets and collect signatures for our "Repeal Section 9" petition.

Or next week, join us at one of our Peaceful Pro-Life Vigils outside the abortion centres in Northern Ireland. 

Give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

The Precious Life Communications Team
VIDEO CLIPS from our Life Chain - Belfast - 5th Nov 22

People from across Northern Ireland tell us why they came to our LIFE CHAIN to be  "a voice for the unborn child"

Man arrested for vicious bite attack at pro-life event in Belfast

A steward at our "LIFE CHAIN" was left with a serious bite to the neck after intervening to stop man assaulting a woman...

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