Friends -

Granite Staters have spoken, and while the result was disappointing, I have always respected the will of the people. I called Senator Maggie Hassan on Tuesday night to congratulate her on her victory. We have our political disagreements, but the stakes are too high for any of us to wish our elected representatives anything but success.

Over the course of 83 town hall meetings, I had the privilege of meeting with the people of New Hampshire. The stories I heard were as heart breaking as they were inspiring. Mothers and fathers worried about providing for their loved ones. Retirees being forced back into the workplace. On the verge of winter, too many facing the impossible decision between heating and eating.

Regardless of its leadership or composition, I am hopeful that our next Congress will get serious about real solutions to these pressing problems. Our citizens are depending on it.

To the countless volunteers who put their blood, sweat and tears into my campaign, please accept my heartfelt congratulations. From phone banks to door knocking to parades, you were an inspiration. I only wish I had been able to deliver a better outcome. To my wife Sharon, thank you for your unwavering and unconditional support.

New Hampshire, I was humbled to be your nominee for Senate. The campaign is over, but its memories will stay with me forever. God bless you all, and live free or die.

Thank you,


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