I want to start by saying thank you for your support in my run for the Senate. Since the moment I decided to enter this race, I have been surrounded by love and support from Illinoisans who believed in a stronger future. A future of safety, strong education, faith in our government, support for law enforcement, and financial responsibility.
It was an honor meeting all of you, John. I met moms worried about their children’s education, families concerned about future generations, farmers who keep our state fed, grandparents worried about their retirement, and so many other amazing people and groups.
The support I have received over these last few months has been extraordinary – more than I ever could have imagined. I want to take a moment to reflect on all we accomplished during this campaign with the generous support from donors and volunteers.
I will forever look back on the memories from this race and think of how strong Illinoisans are. Now, I will continue on with my career as a business owner, and most importantly, a mother and grandmother. I have some stories my grandchildren will love to hear!
Thank you again for this opportunity, John.
Kathy Salvi