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Dear NCRC members and allies,

It’s that time of year again when we all make promises to ourselves on how the new year will be our best yet. As we know, some promises are easier to keep than others, so we have a suggestion for you.

Here is one resolution you can make and cross off the list all in the same day: Fight for economic justice. Yes, the fight for a more just economy is a daily, weekly, monthly battle. But you can ensure you will be right in the mix of it, when you register for our 2020 Just Economy Conference.


Register Now

Join us April 27-29, in Washington, D.C., for the leading national conference for economic and social justice. Attend sessions on the Community Reinvestment Act, racial wealth divide, healthy communities, gender equality, and so much more!

So register today, and go ahead and mark one huge New Year’s resolution off your list.

Happy New Year & see you in April!

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