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As 2019 comes to a close, CHBA BC would like to wish its members, partners and other industry professionals a safe and happy holiday season. As we reflect on the past year for the industry, we would like to provide the readers of CHBA BC's Provincial Update a look at the most accessed articles from the year. Our regular publication will resume Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020. |
Each federal party was asked two questions:
What will you and your party do to unlock the door to homeownership for Canadians?
What will you and your party do to fight climate change through energy efficiency in housing without increasing the cost of homeownership?
You can view their responses here:
Business In Vancouver
Following through on its commitment to modernize the Employment Standards Act (ESA), the B.C. NDP government passed several additional important changes to the ESA effective May 30. Here are the key changes to the ESA.
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation has released its housing market forecasts in major urban centres across Canada, including in Victoria and Vancouver CMA. You can read the reports here:
Building Safety and Standards Branch
To help understand and apply the BC Energy Step Code requirements, three new Technical Bulletins have been developed:
- B19-01 – Complying with Step 1 of the BC Energy Step Code for Part 9 Buildings
- B19-02 – Step 1 in the BC Energy Step Code: Airtightness, Enhanced Compliance and Compliance Paths
- B19-03 – Guidelines for Energy Advisors – Setting Airtightness Values for Energy Modelling of Part 9 Buildings for Compliance with the BC Energy Step Code
Questions about the Bulletins can be directed to the Building and Safety Standards Branch at [email protected].
View our second annual Legislation Day video here and see how we ensure that you, our members, have your voices heard at the provincial legislature.
The British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI) has issued a Consultation Paper on the Builders Lien Act and is seeking responses from all sectors of the BC construction industry and other stakeholders concerning reform of the Act. If you have any feedback you would like to add to this consultation, please contact Alycia Coulter.
The BC Energy Step Code is performance-based code, where compliance is based on a set of technical metrics that builders must follow for each project.
Following the release of the first Energy Step Code metrics update, effective Dec. 10, 2018, CHBA BC received member feedback that some projects that previously met Step Code levels were no longer able to comply with the same step under the revised metrics.
After engaging in months of consultation and CHBA BC conducting its own third-party validation, Revision 2 of the BC Building Code 2018 has been approved and takes effect December 12, 2019.
You can find the full news release here.
CHBA BC is one of 46 business organizations and associations that have jointly participated in the provincial Workers' Compensation Review. This group represents all parts of the provincial economy.
In the most recent review, employer engagement has been especially minimal and the scope of the review has expanded well beyond what we believe was originally intended. We have lost confidence that the review can be done in a manner considered fair to all parties. The Employer Community has decided not to participate further in this review.
The numbers have been crunched and the data is out, our advocacy at work helped to see 20,000 speculation tax exemptions related to construction. Find more information and the original report here.
The Step Code has evolved since the initial consultations in 2014. The CHBA BC Board of Directors approved an updated formal position on the Step Code on June 26, 2019 as a guiding document for the coming months and years. Click to read the document or as a web link.

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