Dear John,
People from around the country cast their ballots yesterday and we want to uplift our members who voted -- many for the first time. Proposition 17 amended the Constitution of California to allow people who are on parole to vote. This restored the right to vote to around 50,000 formerly incarcerated people in California, and ARC played an instrumental role in this policy win.
We celebrate our members who have their voices heard and their rights restored. The 2022 election marks an opportunity where all formerly incarcerated people were able to now cast ballots in the California general election. It is vitally important that formerly incarcerated people have their voices heard and vote to have a say in who represents them and their communities.
We want to share with you what that restoration means to those who can more fully participate in our shared democracy:
“It is important to vote to be a contributing member of society. It’s one way I help those brothers and sisters who are behind the wall working for their opportunity to live life just like me. It was an amazing feeling to fill out my ballot. I felt like a member of society that had a voice. I also felt in a way that I was paying back all the people who worked so hard to restore my right to vote. I felt empowered to vote. I won’t sit by and not share my voice or vote.”
-Tino Archuleta
“The passage of Proposition 17 meant the world to me. I literally cried when I heard the news. My vote will finally count. I have felt disenfranchised my entire life. I finally have a say in this democracy. I will use my vote to reform the criminal justice system."
- Mark T.
As a reminder, YOU play a huge part in the success of ARC, and we would not have this great of an impact without your support. Please take a moment to consider how supporting ARC helps to restore human rights and helps bring mass incarceration to its end, and please consider making a gift today.
We thank you so very much for making it possible for our Members to have their voices heard.
Sam Lewis
Executive Director
Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC)