This election cycle, youthe Operation 147 grassroots community—went into a deep red district and took the fight to one of The 147’s most notorious ringleaders: Lauren Boebert. But right now, the latest vote drop in Colorado has this race down to literally less than 100 votes.

Weeks ago, Democrat Adam Frisch released a poll showing that he could beat Boebert if he received just a little help from national Democrats to help spread his message in Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District. And overwhelmingly, you answered the call. That’s why tonight we’re still glued to the TV, waiting for the networks to make Boebert’s loss official.

But if her actions on January 6th are any indication, who knows what Lauren will do to drag out this fight. 

That's why tonight, we’re asking for you to give to our joint fundraiser to make sure that Adam Frisch has the resources he needs to finish his fight against Boebert strong, and that Operation 147 can keep fueling candidates like Adam to victory.

Donate to our joint fundraiser with Adam Frisch now, and let’s win one of the most consequential midterm upsets in American history >>

When it comes to defending our democracy, we can’t let up now,

-Operation 147 





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