Our urgent plan is simple: - Continue to pound Congress with petitions and emails and keep the liberals from passing another giant spending bill which is being drafted right this very second
- Meet with the few new conservative congressmen and senators to plan a strategy for January.
- Pressure the GOP leadership to impeach Joe Biden!
Please donate whatever you can. It’s the end of the year and frankly, we thought Republicans would do better in the elections. But good conservative candidates were attacked by the left and cut off from campaign funding by establishment conservatives. And now, we have to fight like never before. Please donate whatever your can. This truly is a national emergency. I’m hearing that if Republicans do take over the House by a tiny margin – they may not throw leftists members of The Squad off their committees like Nancy Pelosi did to Marjorie Taylor Greene. Rumor has it that they will also cave on a giant end of year spending bill. We must fight back. I know you are probably tired and disheartened by politics. But we conservatives have no choice. This is it. Please donate whatever you can. Please! Rick Manning President |