Act Now! State School Board Takes Final Vote to Protect History from CRT, Leftists Plan to Derail Meeting

Earlier this year, we achieved a victory for Texas students when the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) paused and voted against radical revisions to the Social Studies TEKS for K-12 students. The SBOE decided to delay the review and revision of the Social Studies standards until 2025.  But, the work is not quite done. The anti-Critical Race Theory Law (Senate Bill 3), authored by Senator Bryan Hughes, requires that Social Studies standards follow the law’s requirements by the end of the year 2022. The Board met in September to take their first vote on the adjustments to the current standards students are learning to protect them from Critical Race Theory.

However, there were attempts made by leftist SBOE members to alter the Social Studies TEKS. The board voted against taking any action on the Social Studies TEKS until 2025. Left-leaning groups are gearing up again to overwhelm the board and convince members that changes need to be made to the TEKS to fit their political agenda. The board is only assigned one task: to align the current Social Studies TEKS with SB 3. The changes being made are expected to make sure students are taught civics and avoid the national trend of teaching that the American founding is bad. Nevertheless, the SBOE will not be deleting or revising any TEKS per their vote earlier this month. Please email the board members and tell them to stand strong in avoiding last minute amendments and changes to the current Social Studies TEKS. Remind them that their duty is to only align the Social Studies TEKS with Senator Bryan Hughes’ bill, SB 3. Tell them that you do not want amendments or changes that cater to ideologies that are anti-America, anti- Texas, or anti- religious liberty. You can email the SBOE at [email protected].

The State Board of Education will also be hearing public testimony on the Social Studies alignment with SB 3 on Wednesday, November 16 at 9 a.m. You can sign up to testify beginning Thursday, November 10, at 8 a.m. and you have until Friday November 11, at 5 p.m. to register. You may register here.

The final vote will be on Friday November 18,. For more information, please visit and be sure to sign up for our email updates. You can also email [email protected] with questions related to the standards and how to register.

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