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Insight for Aging Services Professionals
Honoring Family Caregivers
November is National Family Caregivers Month. NCOA joins Caregiver Action Network, The National Alliance for Caregiving, and Share The Care in celebrating family caregivers. Use our #CaregivingAroundtheClock social shareables—complete with sample messaging—to help promote resources available to support our nation's caregivers.
Help Spread the Love
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New for Aging Services Professionals
Job Skills CheckUp helps older workers
Give older adults the tips they need to land a job they love. The new Job Skills CheckUp provides a personalized plan that supports their goals.
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Tools and Training: Benefits 101
Give yourself, your staff, or volunteers a refresher about the basics of core benefits for low-income Medicare beneficiaries. Our updated Benefits 101 slides are here to help.
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Why you should use the Elder Index
The Elder Index is a measure of the income older adults need to meet their basic needs and age in place with dignity. Use this tool to understand and explain the true cost of aging.
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Don't be fooled by misleading marketing
Protect older adults from predatory marketing practices by understanding what brokers and agents from private insurance companies are and aren’t allowed to do.
Learn More
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Like this newsletter? Help us keep going.
As a nonprofit, we depend on the generosity of supporters like you to fuel our work on behalf of older adults. Through Dec. 31, your donation will be tripled!
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Upcoming Events
Manage menopause naturally
Tune in Nov. 15 @ 1 p.m. ET to hear Maryon Stewart, author of "Manage Your Menopause Naturally," talk about ways this time of life can be celebrated, not feared.
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How to use Census data visualization tools
Hosted by NCOA’s Equity in Aging Collaborative, subject matter experts from the U.S. Census Bureau will discuss demographics related to older adults. Nov. 17 @ 2 p.m. ET
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Power up your congregate meal program
Learn to retain congregate meal program participants in the wake of COVID-19, "aging out," and other factors. Nov. 17 @ 3 p.m. ET
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Older people in humanitarian crises
Join Grantmakers in Aging and HelpAge USA for a webinar on challenges older people face in disasters. Dec. 1 @ 12 p.m. ET
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National Council on Aging | 251 18th Street South, Suite 500 | Arlington, VA 22202
This resource was supported in part by grant 90MINC0002-01-01 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services. Points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent official ACL policy.