Happy Holidays

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On this day, we come together with our loved ones to share in the joy of the holiday season. For some, it means celebrating by gift giving and receiving; for others, a commemorative outing. For me, it means doing for others who do not have the ability or means to do for themselves. Regardless of how this day is spent, we cannot turn a blind eye to those who are not afforded the same or similar privileges.

On this day, many families are not able to be together for various reasons. For some, it is because their family members may live far away. For others, it is because they are serving in the military and protecting these very same privileges I speak of. Most notably, are the families that are confined because of the current administration’s migration practices.

Appreciate the blessings this day brings and let it be known to those around you because many do not have the same opportunity. Remember, there is hope for better days as 2020 approaches, but we must all work together to create change.

Happy Holidays,

Dr. Anthony Felix Jr.
U.S. Congressional Candidate (CA-40)

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