This was a historic election cycle for AIPAC and the pro-Israel community.
For the first time, we directly entered the political fight to strengthen our friends and defeat anti-Israel candidates for Congress.
We were a major force in helping elect an overwhelmingly pro-Israel Congress.
Thousands of AIPAC members supported 365 candidates by contributing over $17 million to strengthen their campaigns. The AIPAC-backed super PAC spent over $26 million to defeat a slate of anti-Israel candidates.
This is the beginning of a long fight. But our impact in this election cycle will help keep Israel safer and the U.S.-Israel relationship stronger.I urge you to join our political movement today.
Philip Friedman AIPAC General Counsel and Director of Political Operations
The mission of AIPAC is to encourage and persuade the U.S. government to enact specific policies that create a strong, enduring and mutually beneficial relationship with our ally Israel.
AIPAC 251 H St. NW • Washington D.C. 20001 • TEL 202-639-5200