Dear People's Assembly Members and Supporters,

The People's Assembly is proud to act as a strong link, pulling together the Trade Union movement and Grass Root Campaigns and doing what we can to organise workers. 

This week we would like to draw attention to two fantastic organisations: SOS NHS and Organise Now! Here are highlights from their campaigns:


The NHS is failing, not because of inherent flaws, but because the Government wants it to fail. Neither the latest Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, nor Chancellor Jeremy Hunt nor the second -time-around Health Secretary Stephen Barclay will deliver what we need: emergency investment into the public NHS, pay justice for staff and ending privatisation.

We demand an NHS and care services fit for all - and we invite you to play a part in winning just that.The SOS NHS Conference 2022: End the NHS Crisis | Saturday 12 November | 10am - 5 pm | London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Square, London NW1 9XB - Get your ticket here

Speakers include:
Rachel Harrison,
GMBGuy Collis Unison
Dr Andrew Meyerson, A&E Doctor
Holly Johnston, Nurse, HCT Committee and NHS Workers Say No!
Jacky Davis, People’s Covid Inquiry and KONP
Matt Dykes, TUC Public Affairs Manager
Tony O’Sullivan, SOS NHS organiser and co-chair Keep Our NHS Public
Helen O'Conor, People's Assembly Health Rep, Tom Griffiths, SOS NHS organise and more...

Organise Now!

A Message from Sarah Woolley BFAWU- General Secretary on behalf of Organise Now! :

On Saturday, we were delighted to join with tens of thousands of you to demand action on the cost of living crisis and to oppose further destruction of our trade union rights. 
As we look to take the momentum back into our workplaces, one of the major challenges we face as a movement is the long term decline in union membership. This means that most workers today are not, and have never been, members of a trade union. 
Organise Now! is a new project with a simple aim: to help people start organising at work. We put workers in contact with experienced coaches who can help them take the first steps towards getting organised. Launched by Strike Map, BFAWU, and Notes from Below, the aim is to share organising knowledge and provide a first point of contact for workers who want to get involved with the labour movement.

We are now going into an exciting moment of renewed trade union militancy, and national strikes are back on the agenda. This offers a rare opportunity to start organising in new parts of the economy.
Organise Now! is simple. We have two forms: 
Organising help form - this form is for all workers that want help to unionise, or to ‘kick start’ their union at work. 
Volunteer form - this is open to anyone and enables you to volunteer for the project. This includes calling workers that use our help form. 
We want to grow our movement and get it active. We need your help to do this. 
Join our volunteer team today, share our project with all workers you know who are not in a union or have an active union at the workplace. 
Let’s get organised!

The People's Assembly will be holding their National Conference on Saturday 14 of January in London. Please save the date now - More details to follow shortly.

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