Happy New Year!
This is an exciting time for Team Bloomberg. 2020 will be a year of action as we expand Mike's campaign for president across the country to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America.
Mike has a saying, “Don’t let planning get in the way of doing”. So before we get too excited about our plans for the future, I want everyone on Team Bloomberg to take a quick look back at the last 6 weeks.
In 6 weeks we have gone from a small team in New York to a team of over 500 talented, hard-working Americans all across the United States.
In 6 weeks we have opened state offices in North Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and are building the largest, smartest, most comprehensive presidential campaign in American history.
In 6 weeks we have established the strategy for How We Win; by taking the fight directly to Donald Trump in key states where he is running virtually unopposed. States like Pennsylvania and Ohio. States other candidates are ignoring.