Mike Bloomberg 2020
Happy New Year!

This is an exciting time for Team Bloomberg. 2020 will be a year of action as we expand Mike's campaign for president across the country to defeat Donald Trump and rebuild America.

Mike has a saying, “Don’t let planning get in the way of doing”. So before we get too excited about our plans for the future, I want everyone on Team Bloomberg to take a quick look back at the last 6 weeks. 

In 6 weeks we have gone from a small team in New York to a team of over 500 talented, hard-working Americans all across the United States. 

In 6 weeks we have opened state offices in North Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas and are building the largest, smartest, most comprehensive presidential campaign in American history. 

In 6 weeks we have established the strategy for How We Win; by taking the fight directly to Donald Trump in key states where he is running virtually unopposed. States like Pennsylvania and Ohio. States other candidates are ignoring.

But to execute this strategy, to remove Donald from the White House, we need people like you. We need your voices, your perspectives, your passion, and your votes.

So here is your call to action as we kick off our year of action - get involved in our campaign.

You can do this by signing up to volunteer and ensuring family, friends, and colleagues are registered to vote in the Democratic primaries.

And starting today, you can join any of the following coalitions of supporters to help build a campaign that represents you:

  • African Americans

  • Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)

  • Faith-Based

  • Future Leaders

  • Jewish

  • Latino

  • LGBTQ+

  • Small Business

  • Women

  • Veterans & Military Families

Please sign up here to get more information on events and issues related to these coalitionshttps://www.mikebloomberg.com/join

We need to rebuild America, together. And we hope you will join us.

Kevin Sheekey
Campaign Manager

Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

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