Here are the latest results.....
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Here are the latest results…..

HISTORIC: Gov. Ron DeSantis HUGE WIN, Rubio Too, Deep-Blue Miami-Dade County Goes RED

BREAKING NEWS: In Florida, the Fox News Decision Desk projects GOP Governor Ron DeSantis will defeat Charlie Crist, with ...

HISTORIC LANDSLIDE: Gov. Ron DeSantis HUGE WIN, Rubio Too, Deep-Blue Miami-Dade County Goes RED
DeSantis is up 8 points in *Miami-Dade* with 66% of the votes in. He lost by 20 points in the same county four years ago. RDS is an absolute juggernaut given his ability to win in deep-blue counties and solidify red ones. Crist heading for a ...

America’s First Election Results: Guam Has Elected Republican James Moylan, First Republican To Represent Guam Since 1992
America's first election results show Republicans have won the Guam Congressional delegate race for the first time since 1990.

James Moylan (R) – 52.2%

Antonio Won Pat (D) – 47.2%v

The Red Wave arrives in Guam! First GOP win there ...

Attorneys File Suit After Ballot Accepted in Georgia County on Loose-Leaf Paper with Security Feature Turned Off in ALL Examined Machines
This is madness.

Attorneys File Suit After Ballot Accepted in Georgia County on Loose-Leaf Paper with Security Feature Turned Off in ALL Examined Machines By Brian Lupo, November 8, 2022: Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported on an anomaly ...

View Hosts Complains She Had Issues Voting Illegally For Someone Else Today
You can't make this stuff up.

How many others out there are “voting for” other people?

"I had trouble actually voting FOR HIM, absentee ballot today."

Sunny admits she voted absentee in place of her son and whines that she had ...

AZ: Central Christian Voting Machines in Mesa, Arizona Are All Broken, “No Machines Are Working”
This is only happening in GOP districts. Today is a reckoning for the most corrupt election system in the first world……

Central Christian voting machines in Mesa, Arizona are also broken.

— Charlie Kirk ...

Pennsylvania Luzerne County Polls Run Out of Paper, Scanning Machines Not Working
Luzerne County in Pennsylvania polling places have run out of paper.

Several polling places opened over an hour late because they brought the wrong machines. Several polling locations have broken scanners.

A judge just ruled that Luzerne ...

20 PERCENT (!) of Arizona Maricopa County’s Polling Places Are Experiencing Problems with Machines Tabulating Votes
62% of Arizona's population resides in Maricopa county.

Maricopa County's Recorder Stephen Richer and Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors Bill Gates confirm an incredible *20%* of polling places are experiencing problems with machines ...

More Vaccine Deaths Reported to VAERS in the Last 20 Months Than All Vaccines in the Last 30 Years Combined
Add this to the ever growing list of blockbuster news stories the Democrat media axis censors and scrubs.

Dr. Meryl Nass: More Vaccine Deaths Reported to VAERS in the Last 20 Months Than All Vaccines in the Last 30 Years Combined

The Epoch ...

BREAKING: Voting Machines Down in New Jersey’s Mercer County, “County-Wide System Outage.”
Arizona, New York and now New Jersey. Only in blue states. The election corruption is beyond banana republic level.

ABC just reported that all voting machines in Mercer County, New Jersey are down.

“The board is working with Dominion, the ...

ABC News Preps The Steal: “Republican Leads Will Crumble Completely, After Perceived ‘Dumps’ of Votes’
“It will likely appear Republican candidates are leading… Their leads will dwindle, or crumble completely, after perceived 'dumps' of votes are recorded… following Election Day.”

ABC News reports a "red mirage" will likely occur again, ...

Arizona Maricopa County: Machines “Not Working” and Ballots Being“Misread”
Ballots being “misread.” This is how elections are stolen.

This only happens in blue counties and cities.

Voting machines must be banned. Paper ballots.

BREAKING: Reports out of Maricopa county of Machines “not working” and ...

Democrats Are Not Going To Relinquish Power Peacefully
A lawless political party working violently to extinguish our freedoms, our Constitution, our very way of life will not go quietly.

Democrats Are Not Going To Relinquish Power Peacefully

By: John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist, ...

Make No Mistake, Election Day Is Always a Cheat Day for Democrats
US Cybersecurity Head Says There Will Be Errors and Glitches During Midterms

“These things are going to happen … somebody will forget their key to the polling place, a water pipe will burst … [These] are normal things. They’re not ...

MILITARIZING ELECTIONS: Florida Bans Biden’s DOJ’s Federal “Election Monitors” From Polling Places
National Guard Cybersecurity Units Activated in 14 States Ahead of Midterm Elections: Reports

Florida Department of State to DOJ:

“federal election ‘monitors’ are not permitted inside polling places as it would be counterproductive ...

Today the Voiceless Get a Voice: GO VOTE
Democracy isn’t on the ballot — It is the ballot.

We know the party of treason cheats. They have elevated it to an art form. They've been at it since time time of Boss Tweed. So we must overwhelm the system.


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