Overall, a victory for public health Dear John, On Tuesday night, 3 out of 5 states rejected legalization, and that's a huge win for communities, public health, and common sense. After months of campaigning, Smart Approaches to Marijuana and our affiliates helped defeat ballot initiatives that would have legalized recreational marijuana in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Arkansas. A first-in-the-nation Colorado ballot measure that commercializes psychedelics remains too close to call. Colorado's second largest city, Colorado Springs, has once again rejected marijuana stores. Unfortunately, we came up short in Maryland and Missouri, after being outspent more than 700 to 1, but we will be working hard to help cities opt-out of sales, enact public health guidance, and educate citizens about the harms of marijuana use. Let me repeat that: We were outspent by more than 700 to 1. This funding disparity is why we're launching a new fundraising campaign to raise $5 million by the end of 2022. Yes, it's ambitious. But we want to shore up our resources to help educate citizens and lawmakers in states that have legalized marijuana and increase support in states where these initiatives will pop up again (because legalization advocates will keep trying). Please consider donating to SAM to help us continue to raise awareness about the harms of legalization. SAM continues to do a whole lot with just a little, and we have never and will never take any money from pharmaceutical companies, tobacco companies, or alcohol companies. We're funded largely by people like you. This year, big marijuana not only poured millions of dollars into these efforts, they pushed for some of the most anti-science legalization initiatives I've ever seen. But thanks to the hard work of our coalition, voters were able to see right through the sham. When you donate to SAM, you're helping us get the word out about the harms of marijuana to parents, kids, and lawmakers. Your donations are why we are able to stand a chance in this fight, so please consider donating toward our $5 million goal today. Donate to SAM As always, thank you for all of your hard work and support. Sincerely, Dr. Kevin Sabet President & CEO Smart Approaches to Marijuana FOLLOW US Smart Approaches to Marijuana | 107 S. West St., Suite 757, Alexandria, VA 22314 Unsubscribe
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