OCILLA - Tonight, State Senator and 7th generation South Georgia Farmer Tyler Harper secured a resounding victory to be the state's next Agriculture Commissioner. Tyler has been crisscrossing the state for the past year and a half, visiting every corner of the state, and sharing his positive message and vision to fight for our farmers, producers, consumers and families as the next Agriculture Commissioner. Following his victory, he issued the following statement:

Tyler Harper said, "What a fantastic win! I am extremely honored and humbled to have won our election to be Georgia's next Commissioner of Agriculture. For the past year and a half, we have been crisscrossing this state, meeting with voters, and sharing our message directly with communities from Blue Ridge to Bainbridge and everywhere in between. We've discussed my background and experience as a 7th generation South Georgia farmer, ABAC and UGA alumnus, and industry leader to our record in the State Senate delivering every day for our famers, producers and consumers across the state--and that message clearly resonated with the voters, and I'm so thankful for their trust and support throughout our campaign. We are going to put that same work ethic, record, experience, and passion to work every day as the next Agriculture Commissioner to help lower costs, secure fair trade deals, empower our family farmers, invest in the next generation of Agriculture, expand the Georgia Grown program, and improve the lives of every farmer and family in our state.

Thank you to every volunteer, supporter, and voter who made this victory possible. We absolutely couldn't have done it without you. We are excited about hitting the ground running to advance our state's number one industry and continue making Georgia the best place to live, work and raise a family!"

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