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LAST CALL! The polls close at 9 PM in 2 hours!

Please get out and vote ROW B for our entire Republican Ticket!

🔴 Lee Zeldin and Alison Esposito for Governor/Lt. Governor

🔴Joe Pinion for U.S. Senate

🔴Michael Henry for Attorney General

🔴Paul Rodriguez for Comptroller

Make sure to go all the way down the ballot to elect our Republican candidates for congress, senate, assembly, and any local offices in your area.

Call/text or email a friend and remind them to get out to vote. If we get out every single like-minded New Yorker who is ready to get America and our state back on track, we WIN.

But we must VOTE! Let's make our voices heard loud and clear and send a giant RED WAVE across New York!

Click HERE to check your voter registration and find your polling place.

Thank you!

--Team NYGOP