We're waiting for the results.
Eric Lynn for Congress


The polls are officially closed, and my team and I are waiting for the results to come in. As we huddle around the news, I want to take this time to thank you for supporting my campaign journey.

These past few months have been hard work and have not been easy. As you know, Republicans have done everything they can to make this district skew Republican, pouring in millions of dollars to flip FL-13 red.

What I'm most appreciative of is how we rose above their illegal gerrymandering and scare tactics. We fought hard and ran a campaign that we can all be proud of tonight.

You were a key part of that success, JOHN. Whether you followed us on social media to spread the word, volunteered with our team, cast your vote for Democrats today, told friends or neighbors about this race, or donated resources to help fuel our campaign, you played a critical role.

As we wait for the results to trickle in, I just wanted to leave you with this. Though this Election Day was a crucial milestone, the fight does not stop here.

Protecting our rights, democracy, and principles will not be easily won. Republicans have proved that it will be a constant battle.

I'm ready to keep up that fight, and I hope that you'll continue it with me.

Thank you, JOHN, for all of your support.

— Eric Lynn

Eric Lynn is a former Senior Advisor to President Obama, national security expert, small business owner, community advocate, and St. Petersburg Native who is ready to lead Pinellas County forward. Empathic, passionate, and pragmatic, Eric knows how to get the job done in Washington on day one.
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Eric Lynn for Congress
PO Box 16991
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
United States