
John, Meet Jamey Gunter

Jamey is a McDonald’s worker and a member of North Carolina Raise Up. On a congressional voting tour stop in Asheville, NC , in partnership with Repairers of the Breach & North Carolina Poor People’s Campaign, Jamey shared the problems both her and her coworkers face. “We don’t get paid enough. Wage theft is happening everywhere. Sexual harassment is happening everywhere…our jobs are unsafe. We have no voice on the job because we don’t have a union.”


Making only $16 an hour, she’s often left to choose between her heart medicine, food or taking care of her son. 


While telling her story, Jamey expressed, “I have never voted…I didn’t know how important it was. But now I’m going to vote this year.”  


This year, living wages, reproductive rights, voting rights and healthcare are all on the ballot. If we ever needed to vote for democracy and justice, we sure do need to vote NOW.


With just hours left until the polls close on this Election Day, we implore you to vote fearlessly! We vote fearlessly because our votes are our power. We vote fearlessly because our power is building, and when we lift from the bottom, everybody rises.

Click Here to watch our message on why we must vote fearlessly. Share it with someone and tag us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #OurVotesAreDemands to let us know you’ve made your voice heard at the polls. 

Forward Together, 

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival