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Hi John,

You were all probably expecting a get out the vote email from me today. After all, today is Election Day. 

...Well, this isn’t it. 

If your email inbox is like mine, you’ve already gotten more than enough of those already. Sometimes, you just have to say enough is enough and blaze your own trail. 

So instead, I’d like to talk to you about revenge porn. No, you read that right—revenge porn—or as I prefer to call it: privacy rights in America. 

What rights to privacy do women actually have in America today?

I’m not talking about women’s health issues. I am talking about rights to our own photos and intimate life details. Because women also have the rights to images of our own bodies.

Though, as happened to me, those rights are often trampled upon. We now live in a world where our most private moments can be exploited. We can be intimidated and threatened. Our careers can be put on the line. And it's not just female activists like me who are being targeted—it’s happening to young girls and women of all ages, all across the country. 

In short, America is obsessed with revenge porn. 

Angry spouses, nasty exes, conservative news outlets are all equally guilty – there are over 3,000 websites now dedicated to revenge porn, images of (mostly) women taken and posted without their consent, intended to exploit, intimidate and subjugate the victims.

And victims of revenge porn have very few ways to fight back. Once these pictures are posted, there is little to no recourse. 

In my own situation, OnlyFans is obligated to assist me. They have a bevy of lawyers. We have issued cease and desist letters in multiple languages to multiple media outlets. And to date, all of them have been ignored. The stolen images of me remain—out there, for all to see. 

What happened to me is a targeted attack by the right to thwart the career of a politician, before our next campaign was even announced. Too bad, I will not be intimidated. 

So how can we meaningfully address our nation's revenge porn obsession?

We must demand action, and demand it now so that these thefts can be stopped, so that women can reclaim their rights to their own privacy.

Please join me in this fight. 

— Alexandra Hunt

It’s time for all Americans to have the right to privacy, and we're going to take this fight all the way. Donate $15 and help Alexandra fight back.

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