
Hey Team!

We’ve made it to Election Day once again and just over three hours until polls close.

Everything you have done to help keep Stephanie Bice’s congressional campaign moving forward is beyond appreciated, so we would love for you to join us at our watch party tonight so we can celebrate!

Tonight, we make Stephanie Bice our 2nd term Congresswoman-elect. It would mean the world to her and us if you are able to make it tonight.

Election Night Watch Party

When: 6:30 p.m. CST

Where: 3233 Northwest Expy, Oklahoma City, OK 73112

If you are able to join us tonight, please RSVP to me at [email protected] or call/text 405.397.7167.

Thank you for your continued support! I hope to see you tonight.



xxxxxx Blubaugh
Campaign Manager
Bice for Congress
(405) 308-7255 cell