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Editor's Note:

This new year will be critical for repelling dangerous world views that seek to overturn, in real time, the freedoms which we all take for granted. The language of the Left has softened the realities of Socialism / Communism / Marxism, and those who espouse these principles no longer try to hide their true beliefs. Exhibit A: The statist proposals being offered every day by the presidential candidates in the Democrat Party. Eyewitnesses to Communism are sounding the alarm, either because they or their families lived through it in other countries or they are working with organizations who are still trying to clean up the destruction. This issue could not be more important as we prepare to vote in November Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
January 1, 2020
30 Years Later, 3 Lessons From The Fall Of Romanian Communism
I’ve spent my adult life working to alleviate the damage of Marxism. We don’t want it here.

When communism collapsed across Eastern Europe in 1989, the process was swift and surprisingly peaceful. Decades of terror and tyranny came to a sudden end with hardly a shot fired: governments stepped down, borders opened, walls fell.

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Join us for lunch with Sarah Huckabee Sanders!
VIP Reception and Luncheon Keynote Address
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Hilton St. Louis Frontenac, St. Louis, MO
Sarah Huckabee Sanders served as White House Press Secretary for President Donald J. Trump from 2017 to 2019. 
Keynote Speakers
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Feb. 1 - Saturday LUNCH
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
David Limbaugh
Jan. 31 - Friday DINNER
David Limbaugh
Andrew Puzder
Jan. 31 - Friday LUNCH
Andrew Puzder

Confirmed speakers include: Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Saturday lunch), David Limbaugh (Friday dinner), Mary Eberstadt (Primal Screams-Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll), Andy Puzder (Friday lunch - Capitalist Comeback); Sebastian Gorka; Michael Medved; Monica Cline; Walt Heyer (My 'Trans'formation); Jarrett Stepman (War on History); Karen England (Comprehensive Sex Ed's Goal); and many more!

UPDATED: Tentative Schedule
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Trans Seduces Politicians, Parents, and Pediatricians
Get this important new booklet which explains a new political and religious ideology: Transgenderism. Arm yourself with the scientific facts about gender identity and why Eagle Forum opposes any attempt to redefine “sex” as gender identity.”
50-page booklet $7.00

Buy this important booklet
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