From Volunteers of America <[email protected]>
Subject As Thanksgiving nears
Date November 8, 2022 8:02 PM
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Family at Thanksgiving dinner

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Dear Friend,

Thanksgiving is getting closer. It's a great time to reflect on all
we're thankful for.

Who comes to my mind? You. Your kindness is power. It has brought
relief to people in need, and a pathway through difficult times.

This time of year presses harder on families already struggling
- it brings many new families to our doors, feeling helpless,
desperate and scared. This is everything the holiday isn't
supposed to be! But thanks to you, there's hope.

Local families need your support this Thanksgiving

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With your gift this season, you can be a Holiday hero and lighten the
load for your neighbors in need. People like:

Dwayne, who, after suffering a series of strokes, lost his career with
the Army and couldn't provide for his children ... Katrina,
who escaped domestic violence to give her newborn baby a better life
... Jackie, who ended up living out of a van with her kids, after
a job loss and economic pressures left her family with no other

With our powerful network of supporters, we were there for each of
them, providing the warm meals, supportive housing, training, and
fresh start they needed to rebuild.

We need more friends right now, for local emergency response and
ongoing support. Can you make a gift?

Here's my Thanksgiving gift >

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This Holiday - Make my Gift Monthly >

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Imagine the relief a family will feel from your support now,
especially during this holiday season. Thank you for keeping their
hope and spirits alive this Thanksgiving.

Tanisha Smith
Vice President, Volunteers of America

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Volunteers of America

1660 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 341-5000

URGENT: Meals and shelter save lives

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Volunteers of America - All Rights Reserved. We are designated
tax-exempt under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Your
contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
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