Hey John-
If your inbox looks like mine, you don’t need me to remind you that today is Election Day. You’re hearing that from plenty of other groups.
They’re probably also telling you that the most effective way to get other people to vote is for them to hear it from close friends, so if you’ve already voted, you should call or text at least 3-4 friends and family members to make sure that they vote too.
Guess what? I’m still going to ask you if you’ve voted. And if any of your friends need help finding their polling place, or knowing what they need to bring with them when they vote, vote.org has them covered.
Together with you all, Social Security Works PAC raised over $100,000 directly to candidates this cycle, and PAC president Jon “Bowzer” Bauman held over 50 campaign events to make sure that the seniors who always vote in the midterms know that a vote for Republicans is a vote to destroy Social Security and Medicare. None of this would be possible without you. Thank you.
Before we settle in to wait for the election results, here’s what we need to keep in mind:
Nobody knows what the outcome will be. That’s why we vote! These are unprecedented times―the Republican Party has merged with a violent, fascist movement devoted to advancing the interests of billionaires. A minoritarian faction on the Supreme Court is taking rights away from the people. Movements aligned with Social Security champions won special elections in Alaska and Kansas this year.
Ballot counting is still going to take a long time. Remember how we didn’t know for sure that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump until the Saturday after Election Day? That could happen again. Because in many places, Election Day ballots are counted first, and early voting and mail ballots come next, we could be seeing the same “Red Mirage” and “Blue Shift” patterns that we saw in 2020. Stay calm, and make sure that every vote counts.
No matter what happens, we keep fighting. Republicans are divided between whether to cut Social Security and Medicare, or to scrap them entirely. We’ve been here before―and we’ve won. In 2005, George W. Bush had the House and Senate and tried to gamble our Social Security on Wall Street―which would have been a disaster when the stock market crashed in 2008. In 2011, Republican radicals in the House of Representatives held the debt limit hostage to demand Social Security cuts. Both times, we beat them. Here’s how: We win by staying in solidarity, and fighting like hell for what we’ve earned.
In solidarity,
Michael, Alex, Nancy, Bowzer and the Social Security Works Team