Hi, it’s Marcus Flowers, Democratic
Army Veteran running against Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I don’t need to tell you this, but I will: American
democracy is hanging by a thread.
Serving overseas in the Army, I’ve
seen firsthand the damage done by extremism - and it's our mission to
stop it.
I've proudly run this race because
I know that our district, our state, and our country are better than
Marjorie Taylor Greene.
That’s why today, I’m
asking you to do the most patriotic thing you can do as an American --
VOTE! If you haven’t already, you can make a plan to vote by visiting
So please, go out there and make your voice heard -- and don’t
forget to bring your friends.
I can't thank you enough for all of you've done for my campaign.
Since launching in 2021, my team has been awed at the support we've
gotten from all across this great country. Because of you, we've given
Georgians the choice to defeat Marjorie Taylor Greene and restore
sanity and compassion to Congress.
Now, with one day to go, we'll keep fighting for what's right!
With sincere gratitude,
Marcus Flowers
Paid for by
Marcus for Georgia PO Box 532 Rome, GA 30162 United