JOHN, did you have a chance to read Max’s message yesterday? Let us catch you up:
- Donald Trump told a string of lies about Max during a rally in support of his opponent this weekend.
- Max called on this team to help him respond. He set an emergency fundraising goal of $20,000 to ensure our campaign has the resources to knock 75,000 doors today and turn out a record number of supporters to the polls.
- Right now, Max is just $4,778 shy of his fundraising goal and we’re running out of time.
Today is our final chance to Get Out the Vote and win this race. Will you chip in as much as you can to help reach our crucial goal by 11 A.M.?
Thanks for your help, and Happy Election Day!
– Team Max Rose
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Max Rose
Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2022
Subject: This wasn’t supposed to>

JOHN, I wasn’t going to email you this close to the election but I have two huge updates that I need to share.
First, my team needs to knock 75,000 doors tomorrow to get our supporters to the polls. After Donald Trump’s rally in support of my opponent – I needed to increase the amount of door-to-door outreach we’re doing to win this race.
But, the only way we’re going to pull off knocking 75,000 doors is if we have the budget to make it happen. This brings me to my second update: We need to raise $20,000 to ensure tomorrow goes off without a hitch.
This is the very last time I’ll ask, JOHN: Will you chip in as much as you can to help my campaign raise the emergency $20,000 it needs to knock 75,000 doors tomorrow? I’m counting on your support.
With your support, I know we can reach this final goal.
Let’s do it!
Max Rose