 Photo credit: Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
We often refer to hunting as a tradition here in Maine. But in order for the tradition to continue, we must share it and share it abundantly! This means, beyond our family and friends, we could ask a co-worker, an acquaintance, or anyone we think may have an interest in accompanying us in the field. There are many adults who are interested in hunting, but may not have grown up around it or feel comfortable asking to join.?
Please do your part and consider bringing someone with you on your next hunting adventure. We are sure you'll be glad that you did!?
Start 'em early - Even if the aspiring hunter in your life is not ready to embark on their first adventure, be sure to include them as much as you can. Take them scouting, find tracks and other sign, let them work the calls, and don?t forget to tell them just how much you appreciate their help.
Never too old - Just because someone is getting on in years, or may have a physical disability, does not mean that they can?t, or won?t, take you up on your offer to go hunting. There are a number of accommodations and unique opportunities here in Maine that might turn their desire to hunt into a reality. For more information check out?Opportunities for People with Disabilities.
First time?s a charm ? Everyone who is hunting today all started with their first hunt. So if someone has never hunted before, don?t be afraid to ask. Even if they would just like to tag along, use the opportunity to share your knowledge of the outdoors and expose them to something they may grow to love!
Second chances ? Maybe you know someone who used to hunt, but for one reason or another are not currently active in the sport. Don?t hesitate to reach out and see if they would like to try again. Find out why they stopped, and whatever the reason, see if you can help them get back out in the field.
Mentor for more ? After the first hunt is in the books, be sure to follow up and get their feedback on the experience. If they are interested consider taking them on more hunts. Ask them if they need help with selecting the right gear, finding new areas to hunt, and share your techniques for success!?