John, I’m sending this Election Day email to make sure you see all of the tools and resources that Common Cause is making available to voters this year.
It’s up to each of us to ensure free, fair, and trustworthy elections – and that is especially important this year.
As I write you, partisan operatives are desperately looking for ways to sow chaos and undermine trust in our democracy. Fueled by Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election, there are hundreds of outright election deniers on the ballot this year – even in races for top election officials in states like Arizona and Michigan.
But here’s one thing that these anti-democracy forces cannot change: we all deserve to vote free from intimidation or obstruction. And remember, you can count on helping hands and friendly faces, like our Election Protection volunteers, or trustworthy local election officials, to make sure your rights are respected.
Our work to defend democracy doesn’t end today – and we may not know the full election results tonight. And that’s okay, because making sure every last ballot is counted accurately – and every last voice is heard – is far more important than getting results quickly!
Thousands of Election Protection volunteers are serving at polling places today, and they’ll stay on the case after polls close to ensure a secure and reliable count. And with your help, we will make sure that every vote counts – and that any efforts to meddle with our democracy fail.
John, if you’re an eligible voter who hasn’t voted yet – casting your ballot today is the most important thing you can do for our democracy. Here are some things to keep in mind if you’re headed to the polls:
1) Call 866-OUR-VOTE if you have any trouble voting today or if there’s a problem at your polling place. Trained nonpartisan volunteers are ready to assist voters all day and all night – and hotline options are available in languages other than English as well:
- Spanish: 888-VE-Y-VOTA
- Arabic: 844-YALLA-US
- Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, & Tagalog: 888-API-VOTE
Also, keep an eye out for nonpartisan Election Protection poll monitors, who will be stationed at polling places across the country today. They’re there to help you and voters like you with any questions you might have about the voting process.
If it is suggested that you use a provisional ballot, remember that
it is far better to try to fix the issue if possible. And ALWAYS call
866-OUR-VOTE before voting provisionally – just to double-check whether
a provisional ballot is your only option.
Learn more and share this information with your friends and family at >>
2) Before you head out, use our Voting Toolkit to double-check your registration status and your polling place. Visit now to make sure you’re all set to vote today >>
3) Over 150 candidates for Congress have gone on the record about how they’ll defend and improve our democracy if elected – after voters like us demanded it. Make sure you know who’ll make democracy reform a top priority!
Check out the candidates running to represent you at >>
4) Join Common Cause experts this Thursday night for a special Election Debrief, where we’ll cover what happened and where we go from here. RSVP now to reserve your spot >>
5) Even if you’ve already voted, you can still do your part for our democracy today. If you spot any misleading or deceptive posts about voting on social media – please report them to our Social Media Monitoring team here >>
Plus, you can help stop disinformation online by sharing trusted, pro-voter content on social media – visit to get started!
Finally, I want to thank you for everything you’ve done up until now. Whether you encouraged your friends and family to get registered and vote, spoke out about an issue that mattered to you, or volunteered to help voters today – you are a vital part of our movement for a stronger democracy.
Whatever comes next – I’m glad to have you on our side.
Thanks for all you do,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause