The GOP’s Christian Supremacy Problem
Episode 133 unloaded November 6: Sam Goldman interviews writer Sarah Posner about antisemitism, Christian
Zionism and increasing anti-trans hysteria in the radicalizing
Republican Party. Read Sarah’s recent piece The GOP’s Christian Supremacy Problem

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Sarah Posner:I
think something that a lot of people aren't grasping is how rapidly the
Republican Party is radicalized...The Republican Party has become
infused with, just blatant anti-semites...To them, I think it became
obvious that targeting the trans community, they could incite fear and
disgust and panic. It's very similar to the way they ginned up the panic
about Critical Race Theory...Trump modeled all of this for the next
generation of fascists or wannabe fascists in his wake.
Sam Goldman commentary:
No matter what happens in the midterms, it is clear that the fight against fascism continues. Whether we see widespread fascist victories, which we cannot submit to, whether we continue singing under a stalemate of "balance" in Congress, whether violence erupts to affect the outcomes or the Fascists are constrained to threats, voter suppression and intimidation, in every one of those scenarios and any other that may arise, the onus remains on the people in our millions to act outside of politics as usual, to confront and defeat fascism.
It is going to take real political struggle, fierce struggle, blunt truth telling, and nonviolent mass opposition in the public square. We have a fight on our hands, and this fight needs you -- listening to discussing, debating, sharing and contributing to the show, and most importantly, the work of refusing fascism is vital. We know what has been falling short: trying to ignore the threat, retreating into our private lives, relying on voting alone, leaving it to tweeting scandalizing or "canceling."
On this podcast, we get deep into these issues of fascism, not just because we enjoy engaging discussions, not because fascism is interesting, but because fascism is an existential threat and stopping it is no superficial endeavor. This is not a matter of taste, but a matter of necessity. It is necessary to deeply understand and engage with these issues, not skim the surface. And it's necessary to do that together with others, because that's where our power lies.
We'll continue to educate people on the roots nature trajectory of the real and present danger of fascism in the United States, to spotlight those rising up and to work together to understand and unite to stop an American fascist movement that imperils all of humanity. But we can't do it alone.
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Sam Goldman for the Refuse Fascism national team
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