2020 offers a pretty good idea. Plus information and resources on poll watchers, voter intimidation, turnout and more to help you cover Election Day Email not displaying correctly?
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The One-Minute Meeting
We know with certainty that some states will not complete their vote counts today. And you know what comes with that: suspicion that somebody might tamper with the results. But history shows us that even when it takes days, or even more than a week, to complete the counts, the number of proven cases of fraud is few. I will show you the states most likely to take days to declare a winner.
And when it comes to fraud, Americans have a long history of tampering with results. In fact, in our nation’s early days, there were no secret ballots. You had to stand in front of your neighbors and vote out loud. Alcohol was often involved, and it was not until one election in 1884 that things got so corrupted that America embraced the voting machine. A whole new concept of secure and secret voting was born. Let me walk you through the whole tale. It is quite a journey, not what you learned in middle school. (Although if you had learned this version, you might have paid attention!)
Why are election officials from other countries watching our polling places today? The truth is, we invited them, as we have for decades. It is part of an international agreement that began in 1990 to show each other how we conduct elections and, in theory, learn from each other.
You might think Americans are slackers when it comes to turning out to vote, but we are ahead of the U.K., Japan and Canada. Some states have started automatically registering people to vote and I will show you some countries that make it a crime not to vote.
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