Friend -

It's election day!? We have fought a tough battle against many obstacles designed to discourage us, but when we see the extremes to which the enemies of mankind are willing to go to stop us, it only reminds us how important our work is.

Please be sure to vote, and get a friend to join you.? If you watched my interview with Marly Hornik of NY Citizens Audit, you know that New York State is a mess!? It can only be fixed if voters stand up, so please, if you see anything that doesn't seem right at your polling place, or if a friend tells you about something (like a poll worker telling anyone for whom to cast their ballot, or being told you already voted absentee, when you know you didn't) REPORT IT HERE.?

We'll have an election day Zoom meeting at 10:00 pm for just 15-20 minutes to celebrate our work, announce any results that are available (probably not too much at that hour)and announce some exciting plans for the future.

Topic: Sare Campaign Election Day 10:00 pm Meeting
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