You Have the Power to Improve the Health of Canadian Children
In a recent conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts, Catherine declared – “We get the civilization we finance.” She then encouraged us to – “Finance the kind of world we want.” With this guidance in mind, we announced our 40th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign to raise seed funding for the ‘Raising Nature’s Child’ education series.
Why This Education Series is So Important
Raising Nature’s Child will offer a paradigm shifting curriculum. What we have witnessed over the last few decades is that parents have given up medical decision-making authority for themselves and their children. Unlike any other time in Canadian history, most Canadians have abdicated their personal responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. This is due to a lack of information necessary to make an informed decision combined with coercive public health policies and measures.
Just recently, the Centres for Disease Control Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to add the COVID-19 injections to the schedule of vaccination for infants, children and adolescents in the United States. The question for us is - how long before Canada moves in this direction?
The government appears intent on making our medical decisions for us. We can’t stand by and let that happen. Together, we have the power to change this! It is time to break the cycle. It is time for parents to reconnect with their innate wisdom and ability for critical thinking. It’s time to acknowledge and enable the divine design inherent in each new life to express itself.
Vaccine Choice Canada is Uniquely Positioned
We believe that Vaccine Choice Canada is uniquely position as the best resource to provide parents with the information they need to assist them in supporting naturally healthy children. We are committed to providing information and resources and establishing a support network of like-minded parents who together will create a different future for our children and grandchildren.
The health and future of Canadian children depends on programs like ‘Raising Nature’s Child’ funded by knowledgeable and generous donors like you. Two very generous donors have offered matching gifts to help leverage this campaign Your contribution will have a much greater impact because of the matching gift. To date, generous donors have contributed $9,472.00. With the matching donation, this bring our total to date $18,944.00. This means we have raised almost 50% of our goal in the first week!!
Please Help Us Reach and Exceed Our Target of $40,000
Please give today and change the lives of Canada’s children tomorrow. If you have already donated, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation for your generosity.
In gratitude,
Ted Kuntz, President
Vaccine Choice Canada
- CHECKS: Made out to 'Vaccine Choice Canada' and mailed to:
Vaccine Choice Canada
PO Box 23023
Belleville, Ontario K8P 5J3
- ONLINE DONATION: Use the link below and choose the box, '40th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign'
- RECURRING MONTHLY DONATIONS: This option is also available. Please, select recurring in the donation form or contact us at [email protected] for assistance in setting up.
"This is the time for bottom up responsibility."