We all know that in November we have the big General Election, and we recommend voting Republican. In most races there will only be one Republican option.  In the Governor’s race there are two:  an official write-in option named Mark Goloby and Greg Abbott. Plus, in Travis County there's a race with no R candidate at all, and in Dallas County there's a race with literally no candidate where you'll have to write in your pick. 

Those details are all below, along with information for many Texas locations who have local elections going on — school boards, city council, special elections, bond elections, etc.  We've gathered these recommendations from our satellites around the state.  These recommendations have NOT been vetted by the TTP Board, and we never tell you how to vote, but they are a good starting point for you to do your own research.


BOND ELECTIONS:  There’s a ridiculous amount of bond debt being voted on!  Even when they tell you it will not raise your taxes, it is still a debt you have to pay with your tax dollars. When an old debt is paid off, rather than lowering your taxes, they introduce a new debt and tell you it won’t change your taxes.  Our rule of thumb is to vote NO!  Until governments learn to live within their means, utilize a sensible budget, and keep government within reasonable boundaries, we don’t need to keep feeding them.  Here’s a list of bond elections in the counties where we have TTP locations.  There are many more across the state, sadly.