If you’re an LGBTQ young person who maybe feels like there aren’t supportive adults in your life, you’re not alone. The Trevor Project is here for you day and night, any time, from anywhere. Reach a counselor now.
If you’re looking for a safe space to meet LGBTQ friends, TrevorSpace is an affirming international digital community for LGBTQ young people ages 13-24. Sign up and start a conversation now. Every single young person deserves a safe and loving community to thrive, and TrevorSpace has got your back.
Tommy Marzella
Director of TrevorSpace @ The Trevor Project
P.S. In our latest email to you on Sunday, we made a mistake when talking about the date Obergefell vs. Hodges was decided. The Supreme Court ruled on June 26, 2015 that the fundamental right to marriage is guaranteed to same-gender partners, not on June 15 as previously stated. We apologize for our error and any confusion.