We’ll be blunt: We need $3,300 before midnight for our Election Day Get-Out-The-Vote Fund. We’re about to explain exactly why this is the most important email we’ve ever sent you, but if you’re short on time, could you chip in $15 right now? >>

1. Everything comes down to how many voters we can turn out tomorrow.

John, we KNOW a majority of voters support restoring abortion rights in Michigan when they learn what our proposal really does.

But the latest polls say we’ll only win if we turn out every. last. voter.

We have just one day to dispatch our entire organizing team, educate voters across the state, and get every voter to the polls.

The fate of abortion rights in Michigan comes down to whether or not we can fully fund our Get-Out-The-Vote push. Will you please chip in $5 or $15 to get gas in our volunteers’ cars, print the literature we need to show voters the truth, and win this? >>

2. 6 MILLION Michigan voters are yet to cast their ballots.

To #RestoreRoe in Michigan, we need a majority of voters to vote #YesOn3.

That means our team needs to criss-cross every county – no matter how far away from headquarters – and make sure our supporters get out and vote.

It’s a massive operation relying entirely on grassroots support.

Even $5 would go further than you know in these critical final hours. Your contribution will go directly towards our Get-Out-The-Vote Fund and push us that much closer to making history. If you can spare it, will you chip in $15 before our final deadline at midnight? >>

3. The polls have tightened, and we’re up just 5% – so there is no room for error.

Together, we’ve put in the work:

– Gathered 750,000 signatures
– Recruited more than 2,000 volunteers
– Distributed 100,000 yard signs
– And rallied more individual donors than any ballot initiative in Michigan history

But this final day will truly make or break our movement.

Every Michigan voter needs to know what’s on the line in Proposal 3.

If we fall short, we risk reinstating a nearly century old law criminalizing abortion.

We’ve gotten this far because of your support, and we know this team can take us over the finish line. Will you help us fully fund tomorrow’s Get-Out-The-Vote efforts and chip in $15 before midnight? We’re truly counting on you. >>

Thank you for standing with us!

CHIP IN $15 >>
CHIP IN $5 >>
CHIP IN $10 >>
CHIP IN $25 >>
CHIP IN $50 >>


Reproductive Freedom for All has one goal: Protect abortion rights in Michigan in November.

But we’re up against deep-pocketed anti-abortion groups who want to make abortion illegal and send doctors who perform abortions to prison.

We need emergency funding from grassroots supporters to educate and turn out voters in every corner of Michigan. Will you rush in a donation before midnight?


We’ll be honest: It’ll take a massive groundswell of grassroots support to protect abortion rights.

Email is the best way for us to stay in touch.

If you want to recieve fewer emails, click here. We don’t want to lose you completely -- but if you want to unsubscribe, you can do so here: unsubscribe

We can't tell you how much we appreciate your grassroots support!


2966 Woodward Ave
United States



Paid for by Reproductive Freedom for All