Hi JOHN, it’s Max Rose.
Staten Island and South Brooklyn will head to the polls tomorrow to decide whether our district will continue down the path of partisanship or choose progress instead. I’m working for every last vote here in NY-11 and it’s because of your support that I’m able to.
One day might not seem like much time, but on a campaign one day can change everything. Tomorrow our team will knock on 15,000 doors, deploy 740 volunteers, send 200,000 text messages to voters, and make 75,000 phone calls. We’re leaving no stone unturned.
So, I’m asking for one last time: Will you chip in to my campaign before Election Day tomorrow? Your donation will be immediately put towards our voter contact efforts for Election Day.
I first ran for Congress back in 2018 because I believed that our country was worth healing. At the time, it felt as though polarization couldn’t get any worse and the needs of working New Yorkers weren’t being met. Now, with Nicole Malliotakis as our representative, I feel that same way all over again.
Nicole hasn’t just been unable to step up to the plate, she’s missed it by miles. She voted against the ban of deadly assault weapons, codifying Roe v. Wade into federal law, and lowering gas prices for all of us because it’d be expedient for her Party to keep prices high. That’s not leadership, JOHN, that’s blatant partisanship.
I’d proudly support any of those measures if I was asked to do so. Why? Because those are the sort of common sense bills that voters in NY-11 expect from their representative. But, if you don’t take me at my word, judge me by my actions: I voted to codify reproductive rights under the Women’s Health Protection Act, and voted in favor of the Bipartisan Background Checks Act which would have made our communities safer had Republicans not stopped it from passing.
I’ve run a campaign that’s been focused on the issues and it’s paid off. We’re now within striking distance of Nicole Malliotakis’s campaign and working people are ready for a representative who will go to bat for them.
Tomorrow is the big day and I’m hoping you’ll join me by doing everything in your power to secure a victory for the future of our district.
This is the last time I’ll ask you to chip in to my campaign. I hope I’ve convinced you to contribute as much as you can to help my team and I organize all across NY-11 and get voters out to the polls.
Thank you for all of your support – let’s win tomorrow!
Max Rose