"[Warnock] has the support of 51 percent of voters who say they've already cast their ballots. Walker holds 47 percent support among those voters, though Republicans tend to have higher Election Day turnout, meaning there's still time for Walker to close the gap." – The Hill, 11/4/2022


We're less than 24 hours from Election Day, and there is the distinct possibility that our Senate race could be extended by four more weeks if no candidate wins 50% of the vote on Tuesday.

A new poll released Friday indicates that we're still locked in a tie – 48% to 48%, but we are trailing among early voters. Will you help us close the gap and break 50% on Tuesday?

 Help us hit 50% 
 Donate $5 → 

It's possible to avoid a costly December runoff, but it's going to come down to the generosity of donors like you, John.

We must fully fund our final day of Get-Out-The-Vote efforts to ensure those Republicans and conservative Independents who haven't voted early will go to the polls on Tuesday.

With mere hours left in this race, our finances are running on fumes. As soon as new funds arrive, we authorize additional spending. This is happening multiple times a day.

To win outright tomorrow, we need $17,500 more for our voter turnout operation, so we're coming to you asking for help today. Are you willing to chip in $10, $20, or even $34 RIGHT NOW to help us close the gap, avoid a costly runoff race, AND win this election outright?

Our massive Get-Out-The-Vote effort is expensive, but it's critically important. These last-minute campaign activities cost money, so we need your help to keep the engines humming in the final hours.

Please be part of our movement to get America back on track. And I hope I can count on you to help us across the finish line tomorrow with a contribution today.

Thank you,

Herschel Walker

 Donate Today → 

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