I’m Isra — a college student, an organizer, and Ilhan Omar’s daughter:

Ilhan for Congress

Hey, I’m Isra — a college student, an organizer, and Ilhan Omar’s daughter:

Ilhan Omar and Isra Hirsi

In these final two days of the election, I’m helping my mom’s campaign knock doors and get out the vote to keep her in Congress and build progressive power in Minnesota.

I’ve supported her campaign ever since she first ran for Congress because she’s never dismissed the voices and the demands of my generation. She’s fought every single day to build a brighter future for me, my siblings, and young people across the country and around the world. And she’s nowhere near finished.

My mom has never been one to push for small, incremental change. As a worker, she fought with her union to secure higher wages. As a first-time candidate, she won with a bold, progressive message against a longtime incumbent in the Minnesota House. And as a member of Congress, she has worked tirelessly to make school meals universal, pass Medicare for All, cancel student debt, and enact a Green New Deal.

Along the way, she’s faced opposition — from politicians who’d rather maintain the status quo than see real progress, from Republicans like the former president, and from extremists and Islamophobes who have made threats against her life.

She won’t ever let these attacks get in her way. She’s out-organized every challenge she’s been up against — including millions of dollars spent to spread baseless lies about her. And it’s up to us to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere.

Before I go help knock on more doors, can you pitch in with a donation to my mom’s campaign? Her campaign will put it right to work as we get out the vote around my home district, MN-05.

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Thanks for giving what you can,

Isra Hirsi