I promise that I’ll continue to work each and every day to KEEP THE AMERICAN DREAM ALIVE.
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Hey Friend, it’s Mayra Flores.

My team and I have been doing EVERYTHING we can to HOLD ONTO TX-34, which was just marked as THE TOP RACE IN THE NATION after being moved to a TOSS UP. However, with LESS than A WEEK until Election Day, the Democrats are fighting TOOTH AND NAIL to defeat me. 

When I was a young girl, I LEGALLY immigrated with my family to the United States from Mexico. We created a better life for ourselves here and just in June, I became the first Mexico-born woman to ever be elected to Congress. That’s EXACTLY what the Democrats can’t stand about me, which is why they won’t tolerate an America-First conservative and a legal immigrant who represents hard working Americans. 

In order to DEFEAT me this November, the Democrats have resorted to SEXISM, RACISM, and BASELESS LIES. My opponent even PHOTOSHOPPED MY FACE to make me look “angrier” and said that I can’t THINK FOR MYSELF. They’ll do ANYTHING in their power to FLIP TEXAS BLUE, which is why I need as much support as possible from my TOP SUPPORTERS to help me KEEP TEXAS RED. Can you please chip in just $10 NOW?

Paid for by Mayra Flores for Congress
PO Box 516
Los Indios, TX 78567

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625 First Street #183 Alexandria, VA 22314