ELECTION DAY IS TOMORROW, NOVEMBER 8th! You can find all of your voter information, including sample ballots and polling locations here! Polls are open from 6am until 8am.
If you haven't already seen it yet, the New Orleans DSA Fall 2022 Voter Guide is out! You can learn about the candidates and ballot initiatives here. Big thanks to the volunteer efforts of our Municipal Action Committee for putting this together. Make sure to give it a read before heading out to vote!

We hope to connect issues in the races to larger discussions in our city and world, and give a better understanding of the positions and processes of our city and electoral system. The guide covers statewide races, as well as what’s on the ballot specifically in Orleans and Jefferson Parishes. Beyond educating ourselves through working on and publishing this guide, we hope to inspire readers of the guide to think critically, be curious, and evaluate politicians on how they relate to power.
Recommendation alert!! Our chapter has voted to make an explicit recommendation in this year's voter guide against Lambert Boissiere. So, when you turn out to vote tomorrow, vote for #AnyoneButBoissiere for PSC District 3. The PSC regulates Entergy statewide, and over 17 years in office Boissiere has voted for every requested Entergy hike while accepting massive campaign donations from the company. When asked what he'd do differently if he could go back, Boissiere answered "very little." It's time to get him out of office!
See y'all at the polls!
DSA New Orleans Local Council