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CPJ Insider: November edition


(Illustration by Walid Haddad)

Zero-click spyware poses existential crisis for journalism: A Q&A with CPJ Technology Editor Madeline Earp 

CPJ recently released its special report, "How zero-click surveillance threatens reporters, sources, and global press freedom." For this month's Insider, we spoke to Madeline Earp, CPJ's technology editor, about how governments use spyware against journalists--and what CPJ is doing to protect them. Learn more »

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_DSC8811.JPGCPJ in action around the world

With more than 60 staff, representatives, and correspondents, CPJ’s international presence extends from Abuja to Vilnius. During the last month, CPJ participated in conferences, provided safety workshops for journalists on the ground, engaged in a fact-finding mission, and monitored court proceedings. For this issue of Insider, we’re taking a look at a few of those trips and how they inform our work. Learn more »


CPJ interviewed a long-time press freedom advocate and journalist, José Zamora, the son of Guatemalan journalist and founder of elPeriódico, José Rubén Zamora. Zamora's father--who won CPJ’s International Press Freedom Award in 1995--was arrested in late July and remains in pre-trial detention in Mariscal Zaval prison in Guatemala City. "My dad is an example," Zamora told CPJ, "but the broader message is for everyone, and that is that they are going to persecute any critical voice."

CPJ's North America Program Coordinator Katherine Jacobsen wrote a briefing on the legal battle over slain Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Jeff German’s devices, why they need to be protected, and why it’s concerning that they are still in police custody. "German’s colleagues and press freedom groups, including CPJ, want to protect the slain reporter’s confidential sources, cultivated over a decades-long career covering local politics and organized crime.

Aleksei Obukhov, co-founder and senior editor of SOTA, spoke with CPJ via messaging app about what it’s like to be one of the few independent media outlets still reporting from inside Russia, the links between journalism and activism, and what he expects Russian journalism to look like in the future. "We stopped putting bylines on stories written by journalists in Russia," Obukhov tells CPJ, "as a way to minimize their risks. We refused to self-censor."

CPJ in the news

‘This Time Is Different Because Iranian Women Are Willing to Sacrifice Everything,’” Harpers Bazaar

Philippines becomes global case study of media repression,” Rappler 

Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai convicted of fraud,” Axios

CNN reporter explains why journalists are being arrested for covering protest,” CNN

India Bars Kashmiri Photographer From Traveling to Receive Pulitzer,” The New York Times

Spyware Poses Dire Threat to Journalists, Media Watchdog Says,” VOA

Murder of Jeff German brings historic challenge to reporter shield laws,” Las Vegas Review-Journal

Japanese filmmaker sentenced to 7 years in jail by Myanmar junta,” Yahoo! News

Philippines: Killing of journalist sparks protests,” DW

Us Hits Iran With More Sanctions Over Mahsa Amini Death,” The Associated Press

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