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Hi friend,

This week the COP27 climate summit kicked off in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. One of the key issues on the table is who will pay for irreparable damage caused by the climate crisis.  

Right now, floods in Pakistan have displaced 33 million people, and the horn of Africa is facing its worst drought for 40 years.  

Not only do these emergencies need immediate attention, lower income countries shouldn’t be plunged into more debt to pay for a climate crisis they didn’t create.  

Find out more about the links between the climate and debt crisis and what’s at stake by joining our webinar tomorrow at 6.30pm.

Book my place

The climate crisis could increase African country debts by $1 trillion. This is deeply unjust for so many reasons. Debt should be cancelled so that countries can better respond to the climate crisis, and the countries and people least responsible for the climate crisis shouldn’t be forced to pay for it.  

But we’ve got a chance to push for funds to support countries in crisis at this years COP27 summit. Campaigners and activists around the world are calling for a new fund to deal with the loss and damage caused by the climate crisis, and for funds to be given in the form of grants and not new loans.  

There are still spaces at our webinar tomorrow where you can hear from some great speakers and find out more about the links between debt and the climate crisis, and what we can do here in the UK to support activists around the world.  

Sign me up to find out more

Thank you as ever for taking action!

All the best,
Eva, Zak and the Debt Justice team

PS. If you can, please also join us for the national climate demo on the 12th November
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